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Automation is the Default

Anand Prabhala

6-Jan-2023 | 5 min read

Nobody ever said, “I want to do the same mundane task over and over, every day of my life!”

We are a small team here at Kisai and sometimes we don’t have enough hours between all of us to do some tasks. We believe in automation and swear by the principle - “Any task that needs to be done more than 5 times and takes more than 10 minutes should be automated”

Creation of Infrastructure, setting up of developer workspaces, dependency management, git workflows, code quality, unit testing, functional testing, performance testing, continuous integration, one-click deploys, security audits, correcting configuration and infrastructure drift, backup/recovery etc. should all be part of the automation and should come as default.

In Kisai automation is a core component and comes with batteries.