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Dispelling the myth of low-code limitations

A guide to choosing and implementing the right platform for enterprise-level growth

Anand Prabhala

6-Jan-2023 | 5 min read

Low Code No Code

Imagine a world where application development is no longer a bottleneck for your business. Your IT department is dragged down with maintaining legacy systems, and your employees can quickly and easily create the custom applications they need to do their job. This is the world of low code.

The global market forecast for low-code is expected to reach $187 Billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 31.1% for 2020-2030. This is a significant increase from $10.3 Billion in 2019, driven by the shift to remote work environments and the need for businesses to be agile and efficient. By 2025, organizations will build 70% of their new applications using low-code or no-code platforms. By 2024, 80% of enterprises will have policies for non-traditional developers - that is, tech-savvy individuals involved in the app creation process, such as analysts, designers, and marketers. Gartner states that in 2023, there will be 4x more non-traditional developers than professional developers at large enterprises.

Low code is an application development platform that changes how work gets done in businesses. With low code, non-traditional “citizen” developers can create custom applications without needing to have programming knowledge. This empowers employees to take control of their workflows and make their jobs more efficient.

However, despite its growing popularity, low code still has its share of misconceptions. For example, some believe that low-code limits customization or is only suitable for simple applications. But the facts tell a different story.

What are low-code platforms, and how do they work?

Low-code platforms are software development platforms that allow users to build, manage, and maintain software with minimal or “low” amounts of code. This approach is designed to make the software development process more accessible and efficient for non-technical users.

How does this work?

A drag-and-drop interface at the core of low-code platforms simplifies the process of creating and editing software applications. This interface allows users to visually design and arrange the various components of their application, such as forms, workflows, and data models, without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Low-code platforms also come with various pre-built, customizable templates, and components that can be used to quickly and easily create a wide range of software applications quickly and easily.

So, what are the benefits of using low-code platforms?

One of the most significant benefits is time and resource savings. The current ROI for cost savings is estimated to be 38% - or up to $6.7 million.

By reducing the need for coding and allowing non-technical users to create software, low-code platforms can significantly speed up the development process and reduce the need for specialized technical skills. Low-code platforms are also incredibly flexible, allowing users to adapt and change their applications as their needs evolve. They also provide a high level of scalability, allowing businesses to quickly and easily scale their applications to meet growing demand. And remember the built-in security and compliance features that come with low-code platforms.

Low-code platforms like Kisai make the software development process more accessible and efficient, allowing businesses to create and manage software quickly and easily.

Common misconceptions about low-code platforms

Users think of first order consequences. Application Developers should think in terms of second, third order actions and consequences. Platforms need to support with designing 1st to nth order actions and obtain the right results.

No code and low code platforms offer a range of enterprise-level features such as scalability, security, and compliance, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes and across different industries.

Another common misconception is that low-code platforms are limited in their capabilities and scalability. This is not the case. Low-code platforms have evolved to offer a wide range of features and functionalities, from web and mobile app development to API creation and content management. They also provide a high level of scalability, allowing businesses to quickly and easily scale their applications to meet growing demand.

Additionally, low-code platforms come with a drag-and-drop interface which allows users to visually design and arrange the various components of their application, such as forms, workflows, and data models, without the need for extensive coding knowledge. This makes the software development process more accessible and efficient for non-technical users.

How to choose the right low-code platform for your startup

Consider scalability

When choosing a low-code platform for your startup, scalability is an essential factor to consider. A scalable platform will allow your startup to grow and expand without constantly switching to a new platform. This can save your startup both time and resources in the long run. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the scalability features of a low-code platform, such as the ability to handle increasing users and data and take a growing number of features and functionalities.

Security and Compliance

Security and compliance are critical factors to consider when handling sensitive information. Therefore, evaluating the security and compliance features of a low-code platform is essential to ensure that your startup’s information is protected. This may include evaluating the platform’s authentication mechanisms, data encryption, and compliance with industry standards such as SOC2, HIPAA, and GDPR.

Integration Capabilities

Integration capabilities are also essential when choosing a low-code platform for your startup. The ability to connect with other systems and services can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of your startup’s software. Therefore, evaluating a platform’s ability to integrate with other systems and services, such as external APIs and popular tools like SendGrid, O365, and Google Drive is essential.

Ease of Use

A user-friendly interface is vital for non-technical users, making the software development process more accessible and efficient. Therefore, when evaluating low-code platforms, it is indispensable to consider the ease of use of the platform’s interface and tools. This may include evaluating the platform’s drag-and-drop interface, the availability of tutorials and documentation, and the ability to customize the platform to meet your startup’s specific needs.

Collaboration and Support

A low-code platform that offers collaboration and support features can greatly enhance the software development process. Consider evaluating the platform’s ability to allow professional developers and citizen developers to work together effectively, through features such as collaboration tools, professional developer resources, and the ability for professional developers to easily contribute to and modify code created by citizen developers. This can ensure that the development process is well-supported and can also provide your startup with the flexibility to bring in experts when needed.

Kisai as a low-code platform for startup growth

Kisai is a powerful low-code development platform that dispels common misconceptions about what low-code platforms can do. Despite its simplicity in usage, it offers a range of enterprise-level features such as scalability, security, and compliance, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes and across different industries.

One of the most common misconceptions about low-code platforms is that they are only suitable for small or simple projects. However, with Kisai’s advanced features and functionalities, including web and mobile app development, API creation, and content management, it can easily handle complex projects. Additionally, Kisai offers a high level of scalability, allowing businesses to quickly and easily scale their applications to meet growing demand.

Another misconception is that low-code platforms are limited in their capabilities and scalability. Kisai disproves this with its range of features, compliance and security options, observability, and integrations built into the platform and not added as an afterthought. Kisai’s drag-and-drop interface allows users to visually design and arrange the various components of their application, such as forms, workflows, and data models, without the need for extensive coding knowledge. This makes the software development process more accessible and efficient for non-technical users and technical users who want to speed up the development process.

Kisai is an example of a powerful and versatile low-code development platform that can handle the needs of businesses of all sizes and across different industries and prove that low-code doesn’t mean low power.

From idea to scale: how low-code platforms can help

Choosing the right low-code platform for your startup is crucial for success. When evaluating different platforms, it’s essential to consider factors such as scalability, security and compliance, integration capabilities, ease of use, and alignment with your specific needs and goals.

By carefully evaluating each platform and its features, you can ensure that your startup can successfully develop and grow with the aid of a low-code platform. Also, consider the cost-benefit analysis, as the platform’s cost may affect your startup’s overall return on investment. It’s always important to weigh the benefits and costs of any decision before committing, and low-code platforms are no exception.

Kisai offers a scalable, secure, and user-friendly platform that can help your startup grow and expand without constantly switching to a new platform. With our integration capabilities and alignment with specific business needs and goals, Kisai can help take your startup to the next level.