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Low Code and No Code: not all platforms are made equal

Anand Prabhala

6-Jan-2023 | 5 min read

Low Code No Code

Low-code and no-code platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years for creating and deploying software without extensive coding knowledge. As a result, the worldwide market for low-code development technologies is projected to total $26.9 billion in 2023, an increase of 19.6% from 2022. A rise in business technologists and a growing number of enterprise-wide hyper-automation and composable business initiatives will be the key drivers accelerating the adoption of low-code technologies through 2026.

But with so many options available, it’s essential to understand that not all low-code platforms are created equal. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider factors such as customization, scalability, and capabilities when choosing a low-code platform that aligns with your specific needs and requirements.

Differentiating factors among low-code and no-code platforms

One key differentiating factor between low-code and no-code platforms is their level of customization. Some platforms offer a wide range of pre-built templates and components, while others allow for more flexibility and customization. Some platforms may also have more robust drag-and-drop interfaces and visual builders, while others may rely more heavily on code snippets and scripting.

Another critical factor to consider is the platform’s scalability. Some platforms may be better suited for small projects or teams, while others may have the capabilities to handle large-scale enterprise applications. Additionally, some platforms may have more extensive integrations and APIs, allowing seamless integration with other software and tools.

Regarding capabilities, some platforms may have more advanced features, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities. In contrast, others may focus more on essential functions such as data visualization and forms. Some may have more specialized features for specific industries, such as healthcare or finance.

When assessing the strengths and weaknesses of different low-code and no-code platforms, you must consider your specific needs and requirements. Take into account factors such as the level of customization you require, the scalability of the platform, and the specific capabilities and features that are important to your project or organization. Additionally, it’s a good idea to research and compare different platforms, read reviews, and try out demos to understand their capabilities better.

Criteria for Choosing a Low-code and No-Code Platform

Choosing a low-code or no-code platform can be challenging for startups, as there are many factors to consider. However, focusing on specific critical criteria allows you to narrow down your options and select a platform that best aligns with your startup’s specific needs and goals.


The ability for team members to work together seamlessly on the platform and the level of support for remote teams is crucial for the success of any startup. 39% of team members believe that companies are not collaborative enough. Look for platforms that offer robust collaboration tools, such as real-time editing and comments that are easy to use and navigate. Additionally, consider whether the platform is well-suited for remote teams and if it offers any features specifically designed to support this type of work.

  1. Robust collaboration tools such as real-time editing and commenting
  2. Platforms that are easy to use and navigate
  3. Platforms that support remote teams
  4. Specific features to support remote teams


Startups often require a high level of flexibility and control over their platforms, including the ability to add custom functionality and integrations. Look for platforms that offer a wide range of pre-built templates and components but also allow for customization and scripting in case you need to add custom functionality. Consider also the platform’s level of integration with other software and tools, as this can be crucial for startups that rely on a wide range of tools and services.

  1. High level of flexibility and control
  2. Custom functionality and integrations
  3. Range of pre-built templates and components
  4. Customization and scripting
  5. Platform’s level of integration with other software and tools


Compliance is another critical criterion, especially for regulated industry startups. Look for platforms that adhere to industry standards and regulations and offer a high level of support for compliance-related tasks. Additionally, consider whether the platform offers any specific features or tools that can help your startup comply with regulatory requirements, such as data encryption and user access control.

  1. Platforms that adhere to industry standards and regulations
  2. High level of support for compliance-related tasks
  3. Platform-specific features or tools that help comply with regulatory requirements
  4. Data encryption and user access control


Security is another crucial factor to consider. The platform’s security measures, including data encryption, user access control, and incident response capabilities, are crucial for the success of any startup. 95% of mobile applications scanned contained at least one vulnerability.

  1. Platform’s security measures
  2. Data encryption, user access control, and incident response capabilities
  3. Robust security features such as multi-factor authentication
  4. Proven track record of keeping data safe and secure

Specific needs and goals

When considering these criteria, it’s essential to remember that each startup’s needs and goals are unique. As such, it’s essential to assess each platform in light of your startup’s specific requirements and goals and to choose a platform that best aligns with your needs. Additionally, consider consulting experts in the field, as they can provide valuable guidance in the selection process.

  1. Assessing each platform in light of specific requirements and goals
  2. Consulting experts for guidance in the selection process

Low-Code and Backend as a Service (BaaS)

Low-code platforms are development environments that allow for creating applications using visual models, rather than traditional coding. These platforms simplify the development process and reduce the amount of code required to build an application. This enables businesses to create custom applications faster and more efficiently.

Backend as a Service (BaaS) refers to a cloud-based service model where the backend of an application is managed by a third-party provider. BaaS allows for quick and easy integration of backend functionality into a frontend application, without the need for extensive backend development. This includes features such as data storage, user authentication, and serverless computing.

Low-code and BaaS often work together, with low-code platforms using BaaS as the backend for the applications they build. This combination allows for the creation of complete applications with minimal coding, resulting in faster development and deployment times.

Development SpeedHighMedium
Coding RequiredLowLow
CostMedium to HighLow to Medium

Evaluation of Low-Code and No-Code Platforms

A drag-and-drop interface builder is a no-code platform that allows users to create and design user interfaces without writing code. These platforms typically provide a visual editor that users can use to add and arrange elements such as text, images, and buttons using drag-and-drop functionality.

Retool, Bubble.io, and FlutterFlow are examples of drag-and-drop interface builders with no-code platforms.


  1. Collaboration : Offers easy integration with other data sources, which can be helpful for team collaboration
  2. Customization : Offers a wide range of pre-built components, but it might have limitations in terms of customizing them
  3. Compliance : It may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements
  4. Security : It may not have specific security measures, but it does use best practices in terms of data security
  5. Limitations : It may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements


  1. Collaboration : Allows for easy integration with other software and tools, which can be helpful for team collaboration
  2. Customization : Offers a wide range of pre-built templates and components that allow customization and scripting
  3. Compliance : It may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements
  4. Security : It may not have specific security measures, but it does use best practices in terms of data security
  5. Limitations : It may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements


  1. Collaboration : It allows for easy integration with other tools and services, which can be helpful for team collaboration
  2. Customization : Offers a wide range of pre-built components, but it might have limitations in terms of customizing them
  3. Compliance : It may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements
  4. Security : It may not have specific security measures, but it does use best practices in terms of data security
  5. Limitations : It may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements, and it might have limitations in terms of customizing the pre-built components

Low code Frontend Platforms Summary

RetoolEasy integrationWide range of components, limited customizationNot specific features for complianceBest practices for data securityCompliance and customization limitations
FlutterFlowEasy integration with software/toolWide range of customizable templates/componentsNot specific features for complianceBest practices for data securityCompliance limitations
Bubble.ioEasy integration with tools/servicesWide range of components, limited customizationNot specific features for complianceBest practices for data securityCompliance and customization limitations

BaaS Low Code

BaaS, or Backend as a Service, is a cloud-based service that provides tools and services for building and managing the backend of mobile and web applications. BaaS providers typically offer features such as user authentication, data storage, real-time data synchronization, and other backend services such as push notifications and analytics. Firebase and Supabase are examples of BaaS providers.


  1. Collaboration : Allows for easy integration with other Google services, and it’s easy to use and navigate
  2. Customization : It may have limitations in terms of customization as it requires to use of Google services for full functionality
  3. Compliance : Offers robust security features and compliance with industry standards, but it may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements
  4. Security : Offers robust security features and compliance with industry standards
  5. Limitations : May not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements, and it might require the usage of Google services for full functionality


  1. Collaboration : Allows easy integration with other services and is built on top of popular services
  2. Customization : Allows for self-hosting and it’s built on top of popular services, allowing for better integration with other services
  3. Compliance : Allows users to have full control over their data, and they can host it on their servers
  4. Security : Offers robust security features and compliance with industry standards
  5. Limitations : It may have limitations in terms of scalability and performance and may not offer specific features or tools that can help businesses comply with regulatory requirements

BaaS Platforms Summary

FirebaseEasy integration with Google services, easy to useMay require Google services for full functionality, limitations in customizationRobust security, complies with standardsRobust security, complies with standardsMay not comply with regulations, may require Google services
SupabaseEasy integration with other services, built on popular servicesAllows self-hosting, better integration with other servicesAllows full control over data, self-hostingRobust security, complies with standardsLimitations in scalability and performance, may not comply with regulations

Kisai - a low-code platform

Kisai is a low-code platform that helps you build, manage and maintain software easily. It offers an easy-to-use interface and a variety of tools to help you create web and mobile apps, APIs, and more. It also provides built-in features for security, compliance, and scalability. This can save you time and resources when creating software.

  1. Collaboration : Kisai’s platform offers user management with fine-grained access control, which can be helpful for team collaboration. It also has in-built integration with external services and APIs, allowing easy integration with other tools and services
  2. Customization : Kisai offers a drag-and-drop interface for building web and mobile apps, allowing for easy user interface customization. Additionally, it allows for the use of custom components and themes and fully themeable web apps with just configuration
  3. Compliance : Kisai platform has governance as a core part of its user management, and compliance requirements like SOC2, HIPAA, and PCI are available out of the box
  4. Security : Kisai’s platform has built-in security features such as frictionless authentication mechanisms like Passwordless and Magiclink, MFA, ABAC rules, and Tenant isolation. It also offers 99.999% availability with transparent geo-redundancy and multi-region cloud support

CollaborationOffers user management with fine-grained access control, in-built integration with external services and APIs
CustomizationDrag-and-drop interface for building apps, use of custom components and themes, fully themeable web apps with just configuration
ComplianceGovernance as a core part of user management, SOC2, HIPAA, and PCI available out of the box
SecurityBuilt-in security features such as frictionless authentication mechanisms (Passwordless and Magiclink), MFA, ABAC rules, Tenant isolation. 99.999% availability with transparent geo-redundancy and multi-region cloud support

Choosing the right low-code or no-code platform for your business can be a daunting task, but by considering factors such as collaboration, customization, compliance, and security, you can make an informed decision. It’s essential to remember that each business’s needs and goals are unique, and the platform that works best for one business may not be the best fit for another.

Kisai is one of the low-code platforms that can help you achieve your goals - no matter what. With its easy-to-use interface, and built-in security, compliance, and scalability features, it’s an excellent option for businesses of all sizes. It’s essential to assess each platform in light of your specific requirements and goals and to choose a platform that best aligns with your needs.